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Woman shares simple way to rid sink faucets of stubborn limescale buildup: 'Using something you throw away anyway'

"Going to try this."

"Going to try this."

Photo Credit: TikTok

Bathroom faucets are notoriously prone to limescale, that annoyingly chalky buildup left behind after hard water evaporates. 

One woman found a hack for getting rid of limescale using a common household ingredient that would otherwise end up in the trash. 

The scoop 

In a trending TikTok video, Laura deBarra (@LauradeBarra) shared her tip for removing limescale using a lemon or lime that has already had most of the juice squeezed out. 

@lauradebarra How to remove limescale from bsthroom tap in a non toxic way using something you throw away anyway! #limescaleremoval #limescale #cleaning #cleaninghack #cleaninghacks #bathroom #bathroomcleaning #bathroomcleaninghack #cleantok #sink #tap #tapclean #gaffgoddess #ecocleaning #sustainable ♬ original sound - LauradeBarra

In her video captioned, "How to remove limescale from bathroom tap in a non-toxic way using something you throw away anyway!" Laura showed TikTokers how to wipe down a faucet with a cut lime that had a little juice remaining. 

She explains how the lime's acidity breaks down lime deposits. After scrubbing all parts of the faucet with the lime, she let it set for a few minutes.

Then, she tackled the toughest limescale buildup where the water comes out of the faucet by securing the cut lime to that area with a ribbon. She recommends leaving the secured lime strapped to the water spout for a few hours to remove the hard water minerals. 

As a final piece of advice, Laura recommends not using this cleaning method on plated gold and black taps because it could damage the plating. 

How it's helping 

Laura's limescale hack is genius because it eliminates the need to scrub away limescale with toxic chemicals. Using discarded fruits that you already have in your home saves money on buying commercial cleaning products and time shopping for supplies when limescale buildup becomes a nuisance. 

Her hack can be used on faucets, shower doors, or other surfaces accumulating limescale. 

It's a great example of an easy and budget-friendly alternative to popular cleaning products. The hack is a win-win solution because it can help you save money, reduce plastic usage, and be safer and just as effective as store-bought products. 

It's cost-effective and easy to make the switch to natural cleaning products to reduce the chemicals coming into your home and getting out into the environment. Every DIY household cleaner you make contributes to a cleaner, greener home and world.

What's everyone saying 

TikTokers loved Laura's limescale hack and were curious about how to clean black taps without toxins. 

"Going to try this," one user commented.

For black taps, Laura replied to another user, "Microfibre cloth and you could get a shower filter that attaches to hose not head to soften water overall."

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