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Gardener shares how to pivot after pests attack vegetable harvest: 'Don't panic'

"Great to know, I was just about to rip out those."

"Great to know, I was just about to rip out those."

Photo Credit: Instagram

If pests nibble on your garden vegetables, don't give up on them or throw them away. It is still possible to salvage portions of your plants and enjoy them in healthy meals. 

In a viral video, Instagrammer Jess Gough (@happy_smallholding) shares that radishes' flowers and seed pods are edible even after pests take the first few bites. 

The scoop

Gough's post has been encouraging veggie enthusiasts with proof that you can still get a harvest from nibbled radishes and haven't totally failed as a gardener if this common occurrence happens to you. In the comment section, Gough mentioned that slugs were likely the pests that affected her radishes. 

"If your radishes have been munched and aren't looking particularly appetizing, don't panic," Gough wrote in her post. 

She explained that you can still get a harvest if you leave them in the ground, let them flower, and go to seed. The seed pods are edible, so your radishes don't have to go to waste. 

"They are slightly spicy, but milder than the root," Gough wrote. "The flowers are a little bit sweet too. They make a beautiful and unusual addition to salads."

How it's helping 

In addition to learning about toxin-free pest control, it's helpful to know how to use plants effectively once pests have affected them. This way, you can reduce food waste and make the most of your gardening efforts. 

Following Instagram gardeners like Gough is a great way to learn how to grow your own food and reap the many benefits of gardening. Not only can gardening save you money on produce and reduce the environmental impact of your shopping habits, but it can also boost your physical activity and improve your mood

What everyone's saying?

Instagrammers have been loving Gough's radish hack and were surprised to learn that these parts of the plant are edible and delicious. 

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"Great to know, I was just about to rip out those that where going into bloom," one user commented. 

"I left mine to develop pods last year, they made great garden snacks!" commented another Instagrammer. 

Another user wrote: "I didn't know that ma'am. It just goes to show you are never too old to learn."

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