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Off-gridders dispel common misconception about remote living: 'I only have a cat'

The other members of the forum were quick to jump in with their advice and experiences.

The other members of the forum were quick to jump in with their advice and experiences.

Photo Credit: iStock

Many people are entranced by the idea of living off the grid. The reasons they cite include reconnecting with nature, achieving the mental clarity they associate with living a more minimalist lifestyle, and using fewer resources to help the planet.

However, one person considering making this change had a question that they posed to members of the r/OffGrid subreddit. 

"How do you handle loneliness?" they asked. "I plan to go off grid, I only have a cat but I like to keep her indoors. But I know loneliness will get to me."

The other members of the forum were quick to jump in with their advice and experiences.

"Off grid doesn't mean alone," wrote one commenter. "The most lonely time of my life was when I lived in large cities."

"Off grid doesn't mean hermit in the woods. You'll need to have community of some sort. It's virtually impossible to be totally self sufficient," wrote another.

"I had plenty of neighbors at my last off grid property. Being off the grid doesn't mean you can't have relationships with people," a third chimed in.

Many people seem to think of living off the grid as being completely separate from society, fighting a lonely but rewarding battle against the elements. However, as these commenters pointed out, that does not have to be the case — nor should it be. 

Some other people who moved off the grid set up greenhouses and praised their new tiny house lifestyle. 

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Even in a more remote location, you can foster bonds with your neighbors. And, as the first commenter noted, it can sometimes be easier to feel more alienated and anonymous if there are tons of other people around.

The concept of disaster and emergency preparedness is often talked about in the same way. People who imagine these situations may view themselves as the lone heroes of post-apocalyptic action thrillers, but those who have lived through them know that their most valuable resource is community.

And, of course, there are other strategies. "I scroll through reddit constantly, but...I'm not sure it helps," wrote one commenter humorously.

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