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Shopper delighted after eyeing sticker on vase purchased at local Goodwill: 'What a unique piece'

This Italian staple has been prized for centuries.

This Italian staple has been prized for centuries.

Photo Credit: iStock

Unfortunately we have another post from r/ThriftStoreHauls that'll make you green with envy.

The OP found a small Murano vase from Goodwill for $6.99. "Might keep this one since it's super cute!" they said. "Need some ideas on how I should style it."

Photo Credit: Reddit

The price is a total steal. To put it into perspective, the cheapest vase on the official Murano glass website goes for $182.12 (and none of those are shaped like sea anemones). The most expensive? Over $1,000. 

Murano is a type of high-end (read: super pricey) glassware hailing from the Murano Islands in Venice. According to MarthaStewart.com, it's made with a sodium-based formula, which allows the glass to cool over a longer period of time. Because of this, designers aren't as rushed as they are with traditional, lead-based glassware, giving them the time to paint more intricate designs.

This Italian staple has been prized for centuries. It's no wonder commenters raved over it. One user said, "What a unique piece!! Murano glass has been on my list for a few years now. I visited the island a few years back and am still kicking myself for not buying any glassware!"

While it might take you a bit to find a sea anemone-shaped Murano glass vase, valuable finds like these in thrift stores aren't as rare as you'd think. 

One savvy shopper found a $260 sweater for $9.22 at their local secondhand shop. Another found a 1998 Tiffany bowl for less than $10. 

Thrifting isn't just good for your wallet. It's great for the planet, too. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, discarded clothing and other items can end up in garbage incinerators, which pollute the air. 

So, next time you're shopping, try doing it secondhand. Your wallet (and Mother Nature) will thank you.

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