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Man shares simple hack for cheap and easy foam soap: 'Cheat the system'

"This is a great idea."

"This is a great idea."

Photo Credit: Instagram

If you love foaming soap, then this hack is for you. You need only two ingredients: your favorite liquid soap and water. 

The scoop

Foaming hand soap can be less messy and easier to wash away than traditional hand soap, but it can also be more expensive. Plus, the plastic waste it generates can quickly add up. 

According to a hack shared on Instagram, there is a simple way you can "cheat the system" and make foaming soap at home.

An Instagram page called Problem Solved (@problemsolvedshow) demonstrates how to do just that. You need just two ingredients — liquid soap and water — and a bottle with a pump for dispensing the soap. 

All you need to do is put three to four tablespoons of your favorite soap in a bottle and fill the rest with water. It's really that simple. You can use any liquid soap, but castile soap is a great option if you prefer to keep things natural.

How it's working

There are cheap, homemade alternatives to many of our favorite cleaning products, and lots of them can be produced with items we already have in the pantry. Hacks such as this one are not only a great way to keep costs low, but they also use more natural ingredients that are safer to use than store-bought alternatives that contain harmful chemicals

Making your own natural cleaning products can also help reduce waste. Store-bought cleaners often come in plastic bottles that are not reusable because of the chemicals they contain. Many of these bottles end up in landfills, where they take thousands of years to break down, leaching harmful chemicals and microplastics into the environment. 

Research has shown that microplastics are everywhere and that they are bad for our health, with exposure causing increased risks of health issues such as infertility, poor fetal development, and cancer, per professor Tracey Woodruff at the University of California San Francisco. 

What people are saying

This popular post received over 65,000 likes and many comments from people who couldn't wait to try it out. "This is a great idea," one commenter wrote. 

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