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Thrifters floored by 'white-whale' discovery at local shop: 'What a dream find'

"Congratulations, what a great score!"

"Congratulations, what a great score!"

Photo Credit: Reddit

One lucky penny-pincher couldn't help but share their latest acquisition to r/ThriftStoreHauls

"Posted this in a MCM thread, but scored this beautiful vintage Johnson Carper bedroom set this week! Paid $150 total for all 3 pieces. Considering the credenza sold recently for $500+ alone, feeling very lucky. Can confidently say this is my white whale find after years of thrifting!!"

"Congratulations, what a great score!"
Photo Credit: Reddit
"Congratulations, what a great score!"
Photo Credit: Reddit

This is indeed a fine mid-century modern collection that would fit well in any home. A listing online for a five-piece set sold for a whopping $3,192, so the original poster got away with an incredible deal. Finding beautiful mid-century modern furniture at thrift stores takes a bit of luck, but it's happened before

Johnson-Carper designed a wide range of home furniture. The company was based in Roanoke, Virginia, and founded in 1927. Carper worked with renowned designer Edmond Spence, who specialized in Scandinavian styles. The furniture even found fame in screen time on the TV show I Love Lucy. 

Thrifting is more than just a great way to save a few bucks. By buying used instead of new, you can prevent the need to use virgin resources and energy in manufacturing. Manufacturing has significant environmental costs that people can collectively avoid with smart purchasing decisions like thrifting. You're also stopping items from going to landfills, where they would otherwise make their own pollution

Plus, it's fun. There are always hidden (and sometimes literal) gems to find in thrift shopping. Industrious shoppers have outfitted an entire living room with thrifted furniture. If you're interested in getting started, take a gander at our thrifting basics guide. 

Community members couldn't help but share in the excitement of this haul. 

"O. M. G! What a dream find. This is my white whale. Congratulations," said one commenter.

"That set is stunning. Congratulations, what a great score!" chimed in another

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