Invasive plants can be a real headache for any gardener — by definition, they are difficult to eradicate and can overwhelm and crowd out the plants you are trying to foster. Even armed with that knowledge, dealing with them can still be super frustrating, as one gardener recently displayed with a post in the r/NativePlantGardening subreddit.
"Trying to keep perspective after a frustrating day in the garden," the poster wrote. "... I know maintenance never ends, but there are other parts of the property that really need attention ... and yet I'm still doing battle in the place we started.

"... The photos are to remind myself that a lot of the work is already done and the plants can take it from here, and it was still a non-zero day even if the dent I made seems small."
Among the invasive plant species this gardener was dealing with were honeysuckle, aster, vinca (also known as periwinkle), ditch lilies, and more.
While many experienced home gardeners know invasive plants should be avoided, that knowledge is clearly not yet widespread enough. Vinca, in particular, is still sold in many plant nurseries.
By rewilding with native plants, you save yourself money and time that would normally be spent on maintenance. They can also attract pollinators, which help ecosystems and support our food supply.
Even though the original poster talked themself down and remembered that every little bit of progress counts, they were also fortunate to have other members of the subreddit offer kind and sympathetic words of encouragement.
"Your plants look beautiful and you should be proud of that hard work!" one commenter wrote.
"There are so many days where I spend hours working outside and feel like I've accomplished nothing. Then I take a look at my progress pictures and remind myself how far I've come. Your garden is beautiful," another said.
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