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Homeowner shares one-step tip to knock $100 off your electric bill: 'My boyfriend didn't believe me'

"The real test is summertime."

"The real test is summertime."

Photo Credit: Instagram

A homeowner shared an easy tip to knock $100 off your electric bill.

The scoop

Instagrammer Life Insurance with Dawn (@financetipsformom) detailed how they cut their electric bill in half with this hack.

"My boyfriend didn't believe me, but I did one thing to save $100 on our electric bill. Lower your temperature on your thermostat around 6 or 7 p.m. to your desired setting to make your house cool," they say, "then turn it off at 7 a.m. This will help keep your electric bill down and your house cool."

How it's working

Manipulating your thermostat is perhaps the easiest way "to grow and save your money," the creator says. This hack also helps the environment.

Air conditioning units and other household systems and appliances need energy — and they often get it from "dirty" sources such as gas, oil, and coal. When we cut back on consuming that energy or opt for clean sources such as solar and wind, we help reduce pollution and set a path to a cooler future.

Air conditioners especially are expected to explode in volume as the planet continues to heat up, and many still use hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants that are 1,000-3,000 times more potent as a warming gas than carbon dioxide.

To make other simple changes to further pad your wallet, you can lower your energy usage, including by switching to efficient appliances, improving insulation, and utilizing LED light bulbs and even natural light.

What everyone's saying

One user — likely in a cool climate — noted how they saved money, stating, "Close windows, curtains and doors that face the sun..open the windows, curtains and doors on the opposite of the building that is in the shade, switch when sun passes over."

"This is very interesting," another commenter wrote about the post. "I may have to try. I'm always up for saving."

The creator replied: "It has stayed low for the last three months since I started doing it. The real test is summertime."

Someone else simply said, "Thank you!!"

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