Three photos of destroyed trees make up this Reddit post.
How did it happen? According to the distraught property owner, "My neighbors played with fireworks and destroyed our tree" during the holidays. Fireworks can be a traditional way to celebrate the new year, but there is a reason for regulations against using them.

As the recent devastating forest fires in California show, fire isn't something to play with, and it can quickly hurt and displace entire communities.
According to the World Resources Institute, fires account for as much as 33% of tree cover loss worldwide. The neighbor's fireworks sparks didn't go beyond the section of trees pictured, but it could have since wood provides fast fuel when dry.
"This is a nightmare for us," the distraught Redditor wrote. After "they [the neighbors] declined to start [a] liability insurance case" the OP is open to suggestions about how to handle the destroyed trees.
The tree owner made a good move in trying to communicate with the neighbors first, but they have other means to get compensation if there is no cooperation.
If someone hurts, removes, or cuts down a tree on your property, they're liable by law to compensate you. As long as you can prove the tree has damage — which is clear in the photos — you can recover replacement costs, decreased home value from tree loss, cleanup costs, etc. Also, check your home insurance policy to see if it covers your tree damage.
Then, there is the fireworks issue. Illegal use of fireworks comes with varying fines and penalties throughout the country. In Washington, D.C., a violator can face a $1,000 fine and/or arrest for further prosecution, and San Mateo, CA, where all fireworks are illegal, has a similar penalty.
Many comments give detailed advice about how the original poster can move forward.
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One commenter recommended: "Either you or your insurer has to make the first move. If your insurer says you aren't covered, then you'll have to work it yourself or with an attorney, in small claims court or district court. First step would be to ask the neighbor to pay..."
Another Redditor said: "Mature trees like that have a value due to their age. Most states have pretty stringent laws on damage to trees on your property by others…Each one of those trees could be $2.5k - $5k in damages."
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