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Homeowner stunned by results after replacing traditional grass with new, effortless yard design: 'Y'all were right'

"You've inspired me!"

"You've inspired me!"

Photo Credit: iStock

A homeowner was excited to share the results of their new yard after replacing their grass lawn with clover.  

According to the Redditor who shared the post, the blooming clover blows beautifully in the wind and attracts sparrows and starlings to their yard. 

"You've inspired me!"
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Update: y'all were right," the OP wrote above the photos before adding, "No reseeding required and hopefully getting flowers soon!"

Fellow Redditors were blown away by the stunning lawn and eager to transform their own yards.

"Ooh you've inspired me!" one user commented. "I've got a huge bag of red clover seed to sow this weekend!"

"That looks so good!!!" another wrote. "I hope mine comes out even half as good as yours!"

Clover is a flowering plant that is a great lawn alternative because of its drought-resistant and heat-tolerant properties. It's also pest- and disease-resistant, suppressing weed growth and preventing stubborn critters from wreaking havoc in your yard. By adding clover to your lawn, you won't have to rely on harsh chemical-based herbicides and pesticides that can actually cause more harm than good

Switching to a native plant lawn, such as clover, is also an effective way to save time and money on maintenance. When you install a native plant lawn, you can save $275 on water, $50 on fertilizer, and $50 on pesticides and weed control each year. 

Unlike traditional grass lawns, native plant lawn alternatives do not require maintenance from gas-powered lawnmowers, which emit harmful pollutants that contribute to the planet's rising temperatures. As a result, switching to a native plant lawn allows you to stop using gas-powered mowers and significantly reduce your environmental footprint. 

🗣️ How much money would someone have to pay you to tear out your lawn?

🔘 $10K or more 🤑

🔘 $5K to $10K 💰

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Native plants also promote the growth of your garden as a whole by attracting key pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. 

Redditors continued to discuss the natural beauty of the clover lawn

"Looks amazing. Thank you for giving insects a home!" one user wrote.

"This looks magical. Well done!" another responded.

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