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Residents rail against HOA's 'sneaky' plan to exterminate neighborhood bunny rabbits: 'This is important to me'

"I wouldn't feel right knowing they are going to be killed."

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Sally Tasker, a resident of Broomfield, Colorado's Wildgrass neighborhood, paid to have wild rabbits transported to an animal sanctuary instead of being killed by the local homeowners association, the Broomfield Enterprise reports.

By April 2014, rabbits had overrun the Wildgrass townhomes, says the Broomfield Enterprise. The animals were a common sight all over the neighborhood, traveling from nearby unused land. According to the HOA's statement, "Damage caused by the rabbits is extraordinary in the community, and the feces poses health risks." 

The Broomfield Enterprise reports that the HOA tried fencing out the rabbits, relocating them, placing out plastic predators to frighten them away, and even bringing in dogs to chase them off.

None of those tactics worked, so at a board meeting that month, the HOA proposed using baited traps to catch the rabbits. After being caught, the animals would be euthanized by local company Animal and Pest Control Specialists.

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According to the HOA, none of the 70 residents present at the meeting objected to the plan, says the Broomfield Enterprise. But some residents say the HOA's intention to kill the rabbits was unclear. 

Tasker argues that the organization was "pretty sneaky" and used neutral language such as saying it would "remove" the rabbits. Many were left under the impression that the animals would be relocated.

Deceptive, unclear, and confusing rule enforcement is a common problem when it comes to HOAs. For example, one Redditor recently complained that an HOA was forcing the removal of potted plants nearly identical to the ones allowed in neighboring yards. 

Thankfully, many homeowners have begun to push back against their HOAs. Some have even changed local laws to protect their eco-friendly lifestyles, like the Maryland couple that refused to remove their native wildflowers.

In the case of the Wildgrass neighborhood, Tasker found it easier simply to go around her HOA. Working with APCS to humanely trap the rabbits and Colorado Parks and Wildlife for permits, Tasker had as many rabbits as possible moved to the Creative Acres wildlife sanctuary, reports the Broomfield Enterprise

"This is important to me," she told the paper. "I wake up, I look outside and see the rabbits. I wouldn't feel right knowing they are going to be killed."

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