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TikToker shares incredible hack for finding exactly what you want when thrift shopping online

An expansive catalog is great, but sometimes it feels like hunting for a needle in a haystack.

ThredUp shopping online; thrift shopping

Thrifting can be a fun adventure and a scavenger hunt through previously loved items with lots of surprises tucked onto shelves or clothing racks. But what happens when you've exhausted your local thrift stores or your town doesn't have a treasure chest of others' belongings to explore?

Thankfully, there's an answer: thredUP.

Here, thrift and consignment meet modern online shopping, so you can find your own upcycled treasures from the comfort of your home. thredUP helps you recoup funds when you're ready to clean out your closet, which diverts clothing from landfills and enables a circular economy — one that helps items find new homes instead of sending them to the dump.

The Scoop

A reported 100 billion items of clothing are produced each year, but 73% of clothing items are discarded to landfills and 95% of those are still usable or recyclable.

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thredUP is the internet's largest thrift and consignment shop. That equates to the following:

  1. 55,000 brands

  2. Up to 90% off the retail price

  3. 100,000 items are processed daily

  4. 637 million pounds of carbon emissions diverted

Ultimately, with a catalog that big, nearly everyone can find what they're looking for in the thredUP store. Lucky, right?

How it Works

An expansive catalog is excellent, but sometimes it feels like hunting for a needle in a haystack. If searching thredUP's online consignment warehouse feels overwhelming, help is on the way.

TikToker @wearabbygoes has a hack to help you find great pieces without search fatigue. Try this:

  1. Head out to Google or your favorite search engine.

  2. Search for your item and thredUP (in the TikTok example, Abby searches for Mini Skirt thredUP on Google).

  3. In the thumbnails of search result options, click on one of the items that match what you're looking for or that looks like something you like.

  4. When the thredUP site loads, you'll find the item along with a "You May Also Like" section with similar skirts.

Voila! You've narrowed down the catalog to compare and decide which piece is best for you.

Want to see the whole video? Check it out on TikTok.

Fast Fashion vs. #Thrifthack

The allure of fast fashion is strong for many because of its ease, availability, and various options. Unfortunately, this convenience comes at a price, as the impact of production, supply chain, and consumption is seen worldwide.

This thredUP #thrifthack offers all the ease of fast fashion shopping without the ecological impact. Joining the circular economy means diverting clothes from the landfill while refreshing your wardrobe with ecological peace of mind.

Curious about your fashion footprint? thredUP has a free quiz.

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