Dogs could help save your local vineyards and forests with their amazing sense of smell, according to Cornell University.
A new study published in the journal Ecosphere found that trained dogs can detect the eggs of spotted lanternflies, an invasive insect that kills grapevines, apple trees, hops, and other plants we need. The discovery offers fresh hope for catching these destructive pests before they spread.
Spotted lanternflies first appeared in Pennsylvania in 2014 and have spread to 18 other states. The insects threaten American farms and forests.
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When they attack vineyards, they can kill up to 100% of the vines in just one growing season. Farmers often have no choice but to increase pesticide use by 170% to fight back.
But there's good news: A Labrador retriever and Belgian malinois, trained by experts at the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference and Working Dogs for Conservation, proved better than humans at finding lanternfly egg masses in forests near vineyards. While people spotted more eggs in the vineyards themselves, the dogs excelled in complex forest environments where the eggs are harder to see.
This can help protect both farms and wild spaces. The study found that areas of vineyards closest to forests faced the highest risk.
"If you're searching in a vineyard close to the forest, that's more likely where they're going to be," said Angela Fuller, study lead author and Cornell professor.
"The extra time that dogs take to find them is not as important as it is to find them in the first place, because you need to detect the egg masses in order to eradicate them," Fuller explained.
"A spotted lanternfly infestation in a vineyard can cause 80% to 100% mortality of the vines in one growing season," she added, showing how early detection by these talented dogs could make all the difference in protecting our food supply and natural areas.
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