A botanical garden in Florida gained some attention online after regulators grew weary of the frequent harm being done by visitors to the site.
A Reddit user posted a photo in the r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit that featured a group of bamboo tree trunks with initials and names carved into them. The defacing of the garden was even more infuriating thanks to the presence of a sign that reads, "PLEASE - NO CARVING ON THE BAMBOO."

Naturally, the photo ignited a wave of anger from other Reddit users who believe people need to have more respect for the environment.
"It should be common sense that you don't do that to nature," one commenter wrote.
"This is one of the most infuriating things I've seen all day," another added.
It's important to be aware of how our actions can affect the environment around us so we can keep our green spaces thriving and healthy for everyone to enjoy. Botanical gardens are vital for education, conservation, and enjoyment, and we all play a role in their preservation.
These sites attract many people who hope to connect with nature, so they typically feature clear signage to guide visitor behavior, barriers to protect sensitive areas, and staff or volunteers to monitor and educate visitors. If you want to contribute positively to the botanical gardens or other natural areas you visit, it's best to stay on designated paths, not pick plants or flowers, and follow any guidelines provided by the garden.
Unfortunately, the issue like the one shown in the Reddit photo is all too common, as another commenter said this type of behavior is not reserved for botanical gardens.
"Went to the zoo last week and all of the bamboo looked like this. There is even graffiti on hiking trails in the mountains," the commenter stated. "Apparently there are taggers who also enjoy a good hike."
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