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House cat astonishes researchers after turning up with unexpected surprise — here's why it matters

Researchers say Vučedol likely hosts the last population.

Researchers say Vučedol likely hosts the last population.

Photo Credit: iStock

Believe it or not, a friendly feline in Croatia did what scientists have been trying to do for several decades. 

According to the Miami Herald, researchers traveled to the small Croatian village of Vučedol after whispers of blind mole rat sightings. The catch? According to a study published in Natura Croatica, blind mole rats had not been seen in Croatia for decades, and the species was presumed extinct. 

The team searched high and low with no luck. However, in June 2023, a house cat showed up with a very special ​— and very rare — gift.

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The research team shared a photo of the feline in a resident's garden in Vučedol with a blind mole rat in its mouth. Though there is no mention of where exactly the cat found the mammal, mole rats typically burrow underground. Researchers say the animal can be difficult to identify scientifically, but they collected the mammal and identified its DNA.  

This discovery is one of many recent wins in efforts to conserve wildlife around the world. In the United States, it was reported that the bighorn sheep population stabilized in the Sierra Nevada after years of substantial decline. Meanwhile, the gray wolf population in California doubled last year, a huge victory after the species suffered in the state because of human activity. 

According to the National Wildlife Federation, a species can be listed as endangered at the state, federal, and international levels. Federally, these species and their habitats are protected under the Endangered Species Act. The NWF says that "losing a single species can have disastrous impacts on the rest of the ecosystem, because the effects will be felt throughout the food chain."

As for mole rats in Croatia, researchers say Vučedol likely hosts the last population of the mammal in the country. Biota, a Croatian nature conservation company, says there are fewer than 1,000 mature blind mole rats left globally and that the species is on the edge of extinction.

The organization is continuing efforts to keep the mammals safe, teaming up with the Mossy Earth Foundation and several other organizations to protect this rare species.

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