Plastic waste can seep into every facet of life. From make-up products to everyday disposable objects. All this can create a mountain of waste. This has been proven true in a picture posted in the r/anticonsumption subreddit where the OP showcased a completely full bag of used vapes.
"This is from one person," they captioned the photo. "Horrifying."

They wrote more: "I give you, living with a roommate who really loves consumption and vaping."
A 2023 article on vaping statistics showcased that one in 20 Americans vaped, making up about nine million vapers in the country. While some vapes are less wasteful because they can be recharged, the easiest way for vapers is disposable vapes.
This is because, as the OP specified in the comments, "you don't need to charge or refill them. You can buy them anywhere you can buy ciggs. People are lazy."
One article put out in 2022 by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that "Five disposable vapes are being thrown away every second by young people in the US despite the devices containing reusable lithium-ion batteries. Over a year, this amounts to 150 million devices–which together contain enough lithium for about 6,000 Teslas."
Beyond just the waste of lithium that is vital for the electric energy market, the sheer amount of waste accumulating from vapes is tremendous. A 2023 article by the U.S. PIRG Fund found that the CDC estimates that 4.5 vapes are thrown out per second and that "lining-up the disposable vapes sold in a year would stretch for 7,000 miles–long enough to span the continental U.S. twice."
The waste produced is responsible for horrific air quality and can seep into groundwater, making basic human resources harder to come by.
Some changes are being made, however. The UK is set to ban vapes on account that the chemicals are addictive and bad for one's health. Nicotine, formaldehyde, and acrolein, in particular, have been linked to irreversible lung damage.
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"I'm SO GLAD these are going to be banned in the UK," wrote one user.
Vapes being addictive, combined with already unprecedented levels of consumption around the world, encapsulates a perfect storm that is harming consumers and the planet.
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