One homeowner tried to do right by a young tree that had been dug up from their friend's yard and replanted in theirs.
After taking advice from their first inquiry post in the r/arborists subreddit to trim the tree's foliage to lessen the stress on its chopped-up roots, the original poster posted follow-up photos showing off the tree's new look.

The photos show a drastic transformation of the tree. The tree is now mostly barren, with no branches and leaves, compared to the before picture. "Took advice to trim back the tree to encourage root growth," the OP wrote. "Either it will survive or I made it worse."
Tree experts in the group were quick to point out what "awful" advice the OP had taken.
One user explained: "So, auxins, the hormones largely responsible for root growth, are produced in the shoots."
For a newly planted tree — especially one with severely damaged roots — the main priority is reestablishing the tree's root system.
As the commenter explained, auxins, the plant hormone associated with root growth, is primarily found in the plant's tips, Dr. Lew Feldman, Garden Director at the Botanical Garden at Berkeley, confirmed. By trimming the plant's shoots (branches and leaves), the OP significantly reduced the tree's ability to reestablish its root system.
"I guess I learned a valuable lesson," the OP admitted.
Planting trees with the right technique and in the right location can drastically improve their chances of survival.
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Learning which trees are native to the area they will be planted in is equally important. Planting non-native trees can introduce invasive species that outcompete native trees and plants.
Promote native plants, which are ideal natural habitats for the world's important pollinators, by switching to a native plant lawn.
Native plants are lower maintenance — and require less water — relative to other lawn options, saving you time and money on lawn maintenance and water bills. Clover and buffalo grass could be great low-maintenance options for upgrading your lawn. Even partially transitioning your lawn to lower-maintenance options could save you time and money.
However, if you're planning to plant a tree, don't follow the OP's footsteps.
One commenter joked: "Is your name Edward? And do you have scissorhands?"
"Leave it alone it will figure out a way to live," another suggested.
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