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Son seeks advice after neighbor butchers parents' tree: 'My parents 100% plan to take this to court'

"At [this] point, the dude has destroyed this tree. What can they do about it?"

“At [this] point, the dude has destroyed this tree. What can they do about it?”

Photo Credit: iStock

Tiffs between neighbors are just a fact of life, but sometimes they go too far. 

This Redditor posted to r/treelaw after their parents' neighbor cut limbs off their tree, much to the family's distress. Supposedly, the neighbor did it because the tree was blocking his view of a lake. 

"My parents live on a lake in Georgia," the poster explained. "Their neighbor approached them 6 months ago asking if they could remove a tree that is on my parents property, but right at the property line. [There's] also a fence separating the yards. They told him no and that they like the tree and it won't be removed."

"Today, the neighbor was out there with a ladder reaching over their fence, cutting down limbs off the tree," they continued. "My dad approached him and the neighbor told my dad my mom gave him permission which was a total lie.

"At [this] point, the dude has destroyed this tree. What can they do about it?"

Trees are vital for cultivating healthier and safer communities, which is why we need to protect against their destruction. They support wildlife, filter water, and pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, combating climate change

According to Brian M. Douglas & Associates LLC, a law firm based in Georgia, most local rules allow a homeowner to trim any tree branches that are hanging into their property. However, they cannot trespass into a neighbor's property to do so or cut anything that is beyond their property line. And they cannot permanently damage the tree. 

Comments from other Redditors reflected this, as they offered advice for the best course of action, expressed their sympathies, and asked clarifying questions. 

"Did the neighbor just cut what was hanging over the fence, or did he reach over and cut branches that were growing on your [parents'] property exclusively?" one person asked. "If it's the latter, you have a case. If not, you have an a****** neighbor. Good luck, and keep us updated!"

"They were 100% on my parents property without any question," the poster clarified in a comment. "My parents 100% plan to take this to court."

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