One person's trash is another's treasure.
In a post in the subreddit r/DumpsterDiving, one user shared their incredible find in the trash. "Found an electric mini bike in a dumpster," the caption reads.

The photos show a Razor electric mini bike that looks in good shape, with both wheels and all parts accounted for. "No charger," the original poster shared. "I found a charger that fits in my box of stuff but it's only 12 volts, this thing takes a 24 volt 1.5 amp charger."
Dumpster diving, despite the name, isn't necessarily jumping into a dumpster to find discarded materials. It is finding unused or unwanted materials, food, or items that are still salvageable. It can involve finding food in good condition thrown out by large grocery chains or stores or other materials that you can find a use for.
Dumpster diving can help reduce food and material waste from entering large landfills and reducing harmful plastic and other materials that can contribute to land and air pollution as well as extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and fires.
The practice, which is legal in all 50 states, is also great for saving money. For example, the mini bike that the OP found retails at $379.99. By finding a new or used battery that works, the OP can save hundreds on this great find.
Others have shared similar luck with dumpster diving. One lucky Redditor in New York City found dozens of fruits and vegetables and bags of high-end coffee dumpster diving. Another found a few working Apple computer monitors. A UCLA Professor even found a perfectly good mini fridge.
Users under the OP's post shared their excitement and gave tips on finding a cheap, working battery.
"They can be easily replaced," a user commented about the battery.
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"Hell yeah. I find all kinds of stuff like this," one user commented. "Cheap and fun."
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