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Homeowner baffled by HOA's claims about their yard looking unkept: 'Literally not a single weed'

"I want to know where the weeds are so I have more room for plants!"

“I want to know where the weeds are so I have more room for plants!”

Photo Credit: iStock

One homeowner was irritated to receive a request to remove "weeds" that seemed to be referring to the plants in their pollinator garden.

Pollinators are the linchpin of many healthy ecosystems. They transport pollen between flowers to fertilize seeds and allow fruit to mature correctly. Not only do they help the plants reproduce, but those pollinators and the fruits and veggies they help grow are food for many other creatures — including people.

Since pollinators are so important, lots of people like to support local populations by planting pollinator-friendly flowers to give them a source of food, especially during early spring and late fall months when other sources are less abundant. That's what this Redditor said they were doing when they got a note from their HOA.

"Our HOA told us that it appears our flowerbed is overgrown with weeds and we should pull them," the Redditor said. They showed a photo of their garden bed and the potted plants along the edge of their porch. Everything looked well-kept and healthy, and many of the plants were in bloom. "I want to know where the weeds are so I have more room for plants!" they said sarcastically.

Photo Credit: u/ActualPopularMonster / Reddit

Commenters agreed. "Literally not a single weed," said one user.

"I will admit, there are thistles trying to pop up in between the plants," replied the original poster. "But they get choked out or pulled anyway."

This isn't the first time this homeowner has gotten pressure from their HOA. "When they sent a letter last fall, they backed off when my husband sent them a pic and asked them to point out the weeds they were talking about," they said in a comment. But they also added that they would fight back if the HOA pushed. "I'm not giving up my pollinator garden."

"Your province/state or municipality/county likely has a list of noxious weeds, prohibited weeds, etc.," advised one commenter. "I would come armed with that list, along with a list of what you have in the garden, to prove that none of them fall within that list. Bonus points if you can show that X% are pollinator friendly!"

"Thanks for the tip!" replied the original poster.

In some disputes, HOA residents may have to challenge the rules of their community to make the eco-friendly upgrades they want. Here's a guide for working with your HOA to do that.

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