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Internet in uproar after photos of Real Housewives star's 'horrific' mansion go viral: 'Her house is just tacky'

"All dollars and no sense."

"All dollars and no sense."

Photo Credit: Reddit

A post on r/McMansionHell had users baffled, disgusted, and downright shocked.

The OP centered Mary Cosby, a reality TV star made famous by Bravo's The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Her house, a sprawling, 20,000-square-foot mansion in Utah, is…interesting, to say the least. The poster went so far as to call it "horrific."

"All dollars and no sense."
Photo Credit: Reddit
"All dollars and no sense."
Photo Credit: Reddit

Her living room is filled with garish, brightly colored furniture, with couches decked out in Chanel throw pillows and jars of bubblegum on the table.

"Her house is just tacky, loves her labels it seems," one user said.

If you weren't aware, a McMansion is a "a multi-story house with no clear architectural style … judged to be pretentious or poorly designed for its neighborhood," according to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors.

"Poorly designed," aside from not-so-inspired architectural choices, often manifests as "way too big."

The large size of McMansions leads to excess land being cleared for construction, disturbing local wildlife and disrupting ecosystems. A McMansion also sucks up more energy than your average house since it has more space to heat, cool, and ventilate. 

Because of this, too-large homes such as Mary Cosby's take a toll on the environment. In a 2020 paper written at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and published in Science Daily, author Maurie Cohen wrote that "sustainability and equity considerations require that a home for a single person should be no larger than 215 square feet."

At the time the article was written, the average U.S. home was nowhere near that small, clocking in at around 1,900 square feet.

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Opting for a smaller home can benefit the planet and save you money, since your house will heat up (or cool down) more rapidly. Who doesn't want to spend less on their energy bills?

At the end of the day, houses like these just aren't worth it. As one commenter noted, "All dollars and no sense."

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