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Gardener overwhelmed by 'nightmare' task of removing landscaping faux pas from yard: 'Is there a smarter way?'

"I'm so mad someone thought this would be a good idea!"

"I'm so mad someone thought this would be a good idea!"

Photo Credit: Reddit

A homeowner discovered just how daunting it can be to remedy a mistake made by someone who previously owned their property.

They took to the r/gardening subreddit to find a better solution.

"I'm so mad someone thought this would be a good idea!"
Photo Credit: Reddit
"I'm so mad someone thought this would be a good idea!"
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Digging plastic weed barrier out by hand before I till in good stuff," they wrote. "Is there a smarter way?"

"Just below the grass and weeds is old mulch, gravel, soil, then thin plastic," they added. "Below that is more gravel and dead clay. Peeling back the top layer delicately to not tear the plastic."

Unfortunately, Redditors noted there wasn't much else to be done. 

"Maybe find a good massage therapist to help with the ensuing pain," one user counseled.

Another cited a similar project, calling it "a nightmare."

In addition to presenting nothing but problems for homeowners when it degrades, landscape fabric causes numerous environmental and health issues.

The material compacts soil, preventing the easy exchange of water and air needed to help plants grow. It also tends to make weeding harder, as roots become entangled in the textile.

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More importantly, landscape fabric contains toxic chemicals. Made of petroleum-based plastic, it can leach harmful substances into the ground, which is especially bad if you're growing your own food

So, you have to get rid of it.

"Your area will look great once it's all done!" one optimistic commenter said. "It takes time and work but you'll be proud of it."

Instead of using plastic, you can ensure your lawn is a natural one, which is low maintenance and will save you money on your water bill. The poster provided an amusing anecdote about how the experience had made them share with everyone "a PSA about plastic."

"I'm so mad someone thought this would be a good idea!!" they wrote. "Under my breath every few feet I'm quietly cursing the name of the ppl we bought the house from - 'come on, Smiths, plastic?! In the ground!? That won't break down?! You're better than this!!!'"

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