Just when you thought you'd seen the limits of dangerous driving, another example pops up on Reddit.
The aptly named anti-car subreddit r/f***cars is full of posts documenting the most obscene driver behaviors imaginable. It's even got some stuff you might file under "unimaginable." Like this recent post from one user, for instance.

The photo shows a Toyota minivan waiting to use a crosswalk along with several pedestrians somewhere in Indonesia.
According to its own description, this subreddit is dedicated to "discussion about the harmful effects of car dominance on communities, environment, safety, and public health." It also focuses on "aspiration towards more sustainable and effective alternatives like mass transit and improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure."
You can see, then, how followers of the sub might not find this behavior all too hilarious. It stands as an example of the self-centered behavior of many motorists today as they disregard laws and endanger pedestrians while contributing to rising global temperatures.
Maybe we can't get these drivers to see the error of their ways, but we can still do our part by refusing to contribute to car dominance.
Living car-free can save a ton of money on maintenance, gas, insurance, registration, and car payments. It can also reduce our impact on the environment and allow us to get more exercise and breathe more fresh air. Opting for public transit or a bike are two of the best ways to do it.
Of course, ditching cars is not necessarily feasible for everyone. Location, finances, availability of alternatives, health, and more are all potentially limiting circumstances. But we can still reduce our reliance on cars by carpooling or choosing to walk whenever possible.
Commenters were reasonably irked by the post's content.
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"The most pedestrian thing a car brain is willing to do," one quipped.
"Odd pedestrian," another snarkily offered.
"Saw that in Belgrade on many occasions," another stated. "Motor bikes were very often doing it too, the really souped up ones."
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