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Woman shares 'long-lasting' alternative to harmful kitchen staple: 'Hoping more people would make the switch!'

"They retain so much bacteria too."

"They retain so much bacteria too."

Photo Credit: Instagram

Plastic products are terrible for both the environment and human health. And even though they are nearly everywhere you look, there are also viable alternatives to many of them. 

One digital creator recently informed her followers about one such alternative.

The scoop

"I don't buy plastic washing up sponges anymore because they release microplastics when you're washing up," Charlie Gill (@lifebeforeplastic_), who makes content about eco tips and sustainable living, told her followers. "Instead, I use this coconut husk scourer, which is long-lasting and doesn't scratch any of my dishes."

How it's helping

Because plastic, which is made out of oil, does not break down organically, it instead breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces that end up living in water and inside our bodies. These tiny pieces, known as microplastics, are having unknown effects on the health of humans and animals alike. But it is certainly not likely that the effects of consuming plastic are good. 

"We are increasingly smothering ecosystems in plastic and I am very worried that there may be all kinds of unintended, adverse consequences that we will only find out about once it is too late," one professor who led a study on microplastics told the Guardian.

According to one study, 83% of water samples taken around the world were contaminated with microplastics. In the United States, that number was even higher, at 94%.

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What everyone's saying

"Plastic sponges not only release tiny microfibres, but they're also non-recyclable and non-biodegradable. They retain so much bacteria too. Hoping more people would make the switch!" wrote one commenter.

"Amazing swap! I've stopped buying the plastic sponges too," wrote another.

Other ways to reduce your personal plastic consumption include repurposing empty product containers, switching to powder soap and detergent, and using a reusable water bottle.

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