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Crafter reveals nifty trick for saving bleach-stained clothes: 'Oh golly this is adorable!'

"So cute!"

bleach stain

Photo Credit: u/HumusGoose / Reddit

There's nothing worse than ending up with a stain on your clothes. You try to wash it, soak it, and hit it with the stain pen. But one Redditor figured out a clever (and cute) trick to hide a bleach stain on a pair of shorts — embroidery. 

In the post, the Redditor explained that they seem to always stain their clothes when they break out the bleach. 

"Second embroidery attempt after a second time being dumb enough to get bleach on my clothes," they wrote. "I think he's improved the shorts."

And the "he" they're referring to? A cute little embroidered sea turtle right over the bleach stain. 

trick for saving bleach-stained clothes
Photo Credit: u/HumusGoose / Reddit

The post, which originally appeared in the subreddit Visiblemending, shows a great way to make your clothes last even longer and give them a unique spin that is sure to get some attention. In the subreddit, you can find people celebrating unique solutions to account for the wear and tear of everyday clothes. 

Mending is a great way to make your fashion more sustainable. The fashion industry produces 100 billion garments each year, resulting in between 2% and 8% of all global carbon pollution and 20% of all wastewater globally. That's a lot of waste. 

But the production of clothes isn't the only problem. Fast fashion means lower-quality clothing, so people aren't wearing their clothes for as long as they used to. The number of times an article of clothing is worn has declined by 36% in the past 15 years, which makes unique tricks like this more important than ever. 

Commenters also loved the turtle-y trick. 

"Turtle is always an improvement," one person said. "And she is very well done and so cute!"

"Oh golly this is adorable!!" another commented.

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