Whoever thought a dumpster could be the source of good smells? This Reddit poster proudly displayed candles and body products they found in a dumpster. From plug-in refills to body washes, the original poster can keep their home smelling good or do lots of regifting in 2025.
The OP found as many as 85 candles, two body washes, eight hand soaps, a candle stand, two sprays, and 46 plug-in refills in one weekend. This trash haul is one of many examples of people finding items — sometimes still in the package — they can use at home. Apparently, the poster did something many experienced dumpster divers do and went through a store dumpster.

Many stores discard usable items, from food to clothing, due to damage, expiration, or change in season. In this particular case, the OP revealed why so many candles were tossed into the trash.
"All of them had broken jars," wrote the OP.
By retrieving the items, the OP did a favor for themselves and also the planet. Unfortunately, candle wax isn't recyclable, and the glass jars holding the candles can't go into a glass recycle bin unless the wax and labels have been cleaned off.
Then, there's the plastic bottles filled with body wash. These items would go straight to a landfill where the plastic takes 20 to 500 years to decompose, according to reports by the UN.
For anyone interested in dumpster diving, there are some helpful things to remember to ensure your safety. Dumpsters can have sharp objects in them, so wear protective gear like gloves and boots. Carefully sort through items with a stick or grabber tool, and be sure to wash any items you bring home.
The commenters were in awe of the OP's find.
"I think I would pass out from excitement lol!" wrote one user.
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"Keep going this week," responded another Redditor. "They're doing a major candle sale so they'll throw away a bunch that were dropped/damaged in the store. Also [lots] of returns this weekend."
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