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Bicyclist stunned by the response they received from their city regarding a concerning traffic issue: 'My instinct is to be cynical'

"May have to wait to see if things actually work out…"

Traffic engineer is helping keep travelers safe on the road

Photo Credit: iStock

As cities start to prioritize car-free zones and integrate alternative modes of transportation, there are bound to be growing pains during the transition. When one Redditor reported an issue with their city's traffic lights, they were surprised to receive a thorough response.

In a popular Reddit post, the user shared a screenshot of an email they received from a traffic engineer at their city's public works department. The Redditor reported that traffic lights were failing to detect bicycles, especially when automobiles were not present to trigger sensors.

Following the complaint, the traffic engineer said the city would adjust its lights' sensitivity to detect smaller vehicles waiting at stop bars for signal-controlled intersections. 

The city agreed to adjust for new detection zones "whether or not a bicycle lane reaches the stop bar" at an intersection. 

They even offered to arrange a meeting with the Redditor to show them how to position their bike to trigger detection after the adjustments.

"May have to wait to see if things actually work out, but I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised," the Redditor wrote. "Turns out sometimes reaching out can be worth it!"

Photo Credit: Reddit

Implementing proper infrastructure for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers is essential for everyone's safety and freedom to travel as they choose. 

Every year, thousands of cyclists are injured or killed in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 1,000 bicyclists die and over 130,000 are injured from crashes on U.S. roads annually. Proper bike lanes and traffic lights are essential to ensuring cyclists arrive at their destinations unharmed, and this traffic engineer is helping keep travelers safe on the road. 

Biking is a better mode of transportation for the environment. By bypassing gas-powered vehicles in favor of bikes, you can reduce harmful carbon pollution. UCLA estimated that moderate increases in bicycle use could save 6 to 14 million tons of carbon pollution annually. 

Fellow Redditors were surprised by the local official's superb response to the user's complaint in the comment section.  

"Well, that's an impressive response," one Redditor wrote. 

Another user said: "This is amazing. I love when people in government take suggestions."

"My instinct is to be cynical, but, yeah, that's a pretty good response to get," a Redditor added.

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