A supermarket's pre-wrapped potato product has shoppers questioning whether convenience should come at such a high cost — both to their wallets and the planet.
What's happening?
A Reddit user shared a photo of individually plastic-wrapped potatoes, called PotatOHs, sold by the brand Express Bake, with the r/mildlyinfuriating community.

The post attracted attention from users concerned about unnecessary packaging, with one commenter writing, "This should be illegal."
Why are plastic-wrapped potatoes concerning?
Plastic-wrapped produce adds to the mounting problem of single-use plastic waste in our environment.
When plastic packaging breaks down, harmful substances are released into soil and water systems. Earth is warming partly because making new plastic requires energy from burning oil and gas. Plus, most plastic food wrapping cannot be recycled and ends up in landfills.
Pre-cut and pre-packaged foods can make meal preparation easier for older people and those with disabilities. However, the extra plastic drives up costs for shoppers and creates more trash. A regular potato typically costs less than $1, but individually wrapped versions often sell for $2-3 each.
Is Express Bake doing anything about this?
Express Bake has not publicly addressed concerns about its individually wrapped potatoes. The company works to make cooking convenient for busy families. However, it hasn't shared plans to reduce plastic packaging or switch to more sustainable materials.
Some grocery chains have started testing plastic-free produce sections and reusable packaging systems, demonstrating that convenient food doesn't have to create more waste.
What's being done about excess packaging more broadly?
Many stores offer loose produce at lower prices than pre-packaged options, letting shoppers choose precisely how many items they need. Some retailers use paper bags or cardboard containers instead of plastic.
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Companies including Loop partner with brands to create reusable packaging that customers return and reuse. California and other states have passed laws requiring packaging to be recyclable or compostable by 2032.
Buying whole potatoes in bulk also creates less waste and costs much less. People can wash and prepare several potatoes at once for convenient cooking, then store them in a reusable container.
Small switches in shopping habits, such as choosing unpackaged produce, make a real difference in reducing waste. When customers show they want less packaging through their choices, companies notice and change their practices.
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