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Two of world's most popular EV models just got refreshed with some upgrades — here's how they've changed

They make for a more convenient and user-friendly driver experience.

They make for a more convenient and user-friendly driver experience.

Photo Credit: Volkswagen

Most major auto manufacturers have joined the race to sell electric vehicles, and Volkswagen just made a stride forward — a 60-kilowatt stride forward, to be exact.

The German auto manufacturer recently released updated versions of their electric SUVs, the ID.4 and the ID.5.

The latest models boast improvements in mileage, power, and charging speed, as well as some interior features. Technically speaking, most of the updates aren't radically different from the previous models, but the changes make the vehicles more efficient and better able to meet the needs of the average consumer — a win for the brand and for electric vehicle enthusiasts everywhere.

In an article outlining the changes, CleanTechnica's Zach Shahan compared the stats on the updated versions to their predecessors. The new maximum range for the ID.5 is now 339 miles, up from 327, and the ID.4 clocks in close behind at a maximum range of 337 miles. With a new and improved charging speed — able to add 110 miles in 10 minutes — the cars will be well equipped for handling everything from daily commutes to road trips.

But perhaps the biggest improvement lies beneath the hood, with a heftier rear engine. The pro performance models now boast an additional 60kW of power, which increases the torque for both vehicles an astonishing 75%. As Shahan described, that means that "these comfortable family cars can now go from 0-62 mph in 5.4 seconds," which is plenty of speed for the average consumer.

The Volkswagen "electric twins" were given a makeover inside as well. The infotainment system now features a larger, sharper screen with improved software. Additionally, certain controls have been rearranged or illuminated after feedback from previous models. There's a new and improved sound system, and there's a new set of safety warnings and alerts to ensure a smooth and safe ride.

These may not be revolutionary changes, but they still make for a more convenient and user-friendly driver experience. And with a starting price that's the lowest in their segment, this could be a big win for Volkswagen — and anyone looking for an affordable and reliable electric SUV.

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