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Dog owner shares video of pup helping out with surprising household chore: 'He [was] so thrilled to tear it up'

"He understood the assignment."

Recycles cardboard

Photo Credit: u/fire_tests_gold / Reddit

One Redditor is talking sustainability on an environmental and personal level — letting their dog take over the job of shredding cardboard for composting. 

The post features a video of a dog surrounded by ripped-up cardboard, eagerly awaiting his next piece. Once he's handed the strip of intact pizza box, he wastes no time tearing it to pieces.

"He is so thrilled to get to tear it up," the Redditor wrote.

The idea is innovative on its own, but it's also informative for those who didn't realize that cardboard is compostable. 

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It's important to note that there are parameters — some cardboard cannot be composted if it contains heavy dyes (for example, a Coors Light box), has labels or tape still attached, or if it has a glossy sheen to it — which indicates that it may contain plastic

Also, the cardboard can't be in large pieces, but as this Redditor shows, if you have a dog, that won't be a problem. 

Composting helps with plant growth, making it a great way to improve your garden soil or remedy the bald patches on your lawn. According to the Composting Council, it "balances soil density, adds and retains nutrients, and discourages disease, pests and weeds." 

Plus, composting cuts down on garbage — which means you won't have to take the trash out as often. 

If you don't own a compost bin, there are places that will take your packaging and compost it for you, or you can also check out how to get started at home

An added bonus to all of this is that composting is also great for the environment. 

Each year, American households produce almost 300 million tons of trash, most of which ends up in landfills. As it decomposes, this garbage releases harmful, planet-warming gases into the air

The good news is, composting cuts down on these gases and isn't much more work, especially if you can get your dog to shred it for you. 

Redditors who saw the post were happy to see the dog enjoying the task. 

"He understood the assignment," one comments

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