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Here's how to get paid top dollar for your old Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Magic The Gathering cards

"You can be sure you're getting a great deal."

TCGplayer old Pokémon cards

Photo Credit: iStock

If you collect Magic cards, you know just how valuable a collection can be. But when the time comes to sell your cards, not every local game store will be in a position to buy them. 

Enter TCGplayer.com — a site and app where you can sell your Magic cards to stores across the country.

How do TCGplayer trade-ins work?

First, sign up for an account on the TCGplayer website. You'll be prompted to provide contact info and choose a payment method to make transactions possible. 

Then, use the app to scan the cards you're willing to sell. TCGplayer will show you the price for your card and match you with the best offers from stores all over the U.S. to make sure you're getting the best possible deal.

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When you're ready, confirm your list of cards to trade in. TCGplayer will give you a packing slip to print. Print it out, package the cards, and ship them to the site where TCGplayer will examine the cards and distribute them to the various stores, and you'll receive cash or store credit in return.

Why trade in your old Magic cards?

Magic cards can be worth a surprising amount of money, especially if you have a large collection in good condition. TCGplayer offers a convenient way to cash out and makes sure you're getting a good deal when you do it.

It also has a wide selection of Magic, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for purchase — so if you want to keep collecting, you can trade old, unwanted cards for the new ones on your wishlist. Even if you're not a big fan of the games, it's worth it to go through any old cards you have — you never know when you might find a rare card worth more than the rest.

Buying and selling items second hand is also good for the environment, as it reduces the amount of trash going to landfills and minimizes the need to manufacture new products. 

Services like For Days and GotSneakers exist to pass items on to new buyers — and now you can do the same with trading cards. 

"With hundreds of stores across the country competing for your cards, you can be sure you're getting a great deal," says the company's website.

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