A community has been working to clean up illegal litter in natural areas, yet they are grappling with whether or not their hard work is paying off to protect nature.
In a Reddit post on r/bayarea, a user reached out to fellow Bay Area residents to provide some information on a litter problem in Oakland's Grizzly Peak and to solicit advice on how to solve the issue.

The post started by explaining the success of community litter pick-ups in Grizzly Peak and how it has been a great show of collective action in the face of continuous illegal waste dumping. Yet despite the community's efforts to reduce litter, as well as bring awareness to the issues of illegal trash dumping in natural spaces, the Reddit user explained that city officials and land owners in Grizzly Peak are opposed to putting trash cans in the area, as they fear it would increase visitors and therefore increase potential environmental damage.
Grizzly Peak is located next to Contra Costa County in California. As per the county's website, illegal dumping is detrimental to the region's waterways, as chemicals and plastics from illegal litter often wash into water systems after heavy rains. Additionally, the county will fine offenders up to $10,000 and six months in jail if caught.
In Contra Costa County in 2020, there were "over 8,995 reports of illegal dumping," according to a video from the Contra Costa Clean Water Program, and that number has grown every year. It is important to harness the power of education about reducing waste and respecting the surrounding environment. By promoting sustainable waste practices in your own life and community, you can make a positive difference.
Commenters were helpful with advice on how to enforce illegal dumping rules.
"The city should install cameras. Prosecute people who litter. They have ruined it for the rest of us who just wanted someplace to park and see the city," added a user.
On the question as to whether community trash clean-ups help or enable the problem, a user wrote, "Appreciate all you do, but you are right. Don't enable our lazy politicians and clean up their messes."
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