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Homeowners in this state can now snag $14,000 for new appliances — and the rebates could make home upgrades free

While the instant savings are enticing, these upgrades offer long-term savings, too.

While the instant savings are enticing, these upgrades offer long-term savings, too.

Photo Credit: iStock

The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program is now active in Wisconsin. Urban Milwaukee reported that Governor Tony Evers, alongside Public Service Commission of Wisconsin chairperson Summer Strand, announced the launch on Dec. 19. The state received $74.5 million in funds for this program.

The Home Efficiency Rebate Program took effect in Wisconsin in August, as the first state to go live with the rebate part of the Inflation Reduction Act, though it was designed to be retroactive to any projects started on or after Aug. 16. 2022. This program helps households with whole-home, energy-saving upgrades, like HVAC systems and solar panels.

The new HEAR program helps install energy-efficient appliances. Eligible upgrades include products like energy-efficient refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, ovens and stoves, and more. HEAR will even cover certain upgrades to a home's insulation.

One household can qualify for multiple rebates. Existing single- or multi-family homes could receive up to $14,000 in combined rebates. And that cash comes with brand-new appliances. 

While the instant savings are enticing, these upgrades offer long-term savings, too. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the changes can save Americans $1 billion in utility expenses annually. These improvements could reduce people's energy bills by hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year.

The upgrades aren't just wonderful for the people who benefit. They're also wonderful for Earth. Switching to energy-efficient products substantially lowers household pollution. This leads to less pollution and cleaner air for everyone. The cobined programs help people get free appliances and monthly savings cooling down the planet.

If you're unsure if you're eligible, visit Rewiring America. The site has free tools to help you take advantage of IRA benefits. Find out how much you can save and what upgrades you qualify for.

These rebates and tax credits are phenomenal. But they might not be available forever. The future of the IRA is unclear as Trump rolls back Biden-Harris Administration programs. Removing the benefits would take an act of Congress. But if you want these stellar savings and upgrades, get them as soon as possible. 

During the announcement, Evers said, "We're incredibly excited about this program, which is designed to lower costs for working families and helping Wisconsinites save on their monthly energy bills."

PSC chairperson Strand added, "Wisconsin continues to lead in the deployment and implementation [of] Home Energy Rebate programs." 

She expressed their dedication to helping Wisconsin families and the planet, saying, "We are very excited to continue this momentum."

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