Is it possible to remove a large tree root blocking a planned walkway without harming the tree itself? Arborists on Reddit heatedly debated this question.
A Redditor shared their predicament with the r/arborists community, posting a photo of a substantial root snaking through their yard and interrupting the path to their front door.
They asked, "Can we cut this root without killing the tree? … Is there a DIY way to do this or does it necessitate calling a professional?"

Balancing landscape design with the health of existing trees can be difficult. While a new walkway can enhance curb appeal and functionality, trees are crucial to our environment and can boost property value.
Removing or damaging tree roots has severe consequences for both the tree and the surrounding ecosystem. Trees rely on their root systems for stability, water uptake, and nutrient absorption. Cutting major roots can weaken the tree, making it more susceptible to disease and creating a safety hazard. One Redditor noted this looked like a "stabilizing root."
However, there's good news for homeowners facing similar challenges. Many eco-friendly alternatives can create beautiful, low-maintenance landscapes while preserving tree health. Native plant lawns, for example, can be designed to work around existing trees and root systems. These lawns also save money and time on maintenance and cut water bills.
Even partial lawn replacements with native plants, clover, buffalo grass, or xeriscaping can yield significant benefits. These options create healthier ecosystems for pollinators, which, in turn, help our food supply thrive.
The Reddit community flocked to the comments section to offer more suggestions.
One commenter wrote, "I wonder if this would be a situation where you would choose a raised wooden boardwalk path instead of a paved path. Could be worth looking into."
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Another shared a creative solution: "A friend had a very similar issue. They ended up carefully excavating the soil and pebbles away from the roots and made the roots a part of the walking path."
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