A concerned Redditor recently posted on r/Massachusetts about his friend's sweaty windows.
The scoop
The poster's friend has what seems to be inefficient windows that build up lots of condensation.

"I know he spends a fortune on heating the place, so I'm wondering if there are any programs out there to help replace inefficient windows with efficient ones. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated."
Cost is generally a major roadblock for home upgrades. There are incentives for making home retrofits, but they won't be around forever. Sign up for them while you can. One of the commenters suggested a great resource specific to Massachusetts. "Mass Save is a great program and they do provide some financial assistance to replace single pane windows with new insulated units."
Replacing windows is just one way to keep your home operating efficiently. Insulation upgrades can plug any leaks you might have. Swapping out old incandescent bulbs for LEDs can lower your electrical usage. Switching to a heat pump uses way less energy than resistive heating or gas furnaces. Overall, electrifying your home is a great way to save a few bucks, reduce your energy usage, and ultimately lower your environmental footprint. More tips can be found in our guide for weatherizing your home that can keep things toasty in winter and cool in the summer.
How it's working
The poster actually received a little pushback on the idea of replacing windows. One commenter said he had worked in the Mass Save program and offered this insight.
"There is no energy savings argument that will justify purchasing new windows. … This is NOT a windows issue, but rather is a matter of having your walls properly insulated around this small cavity."
A building engineer replied in agreement. "Replacing windows should be the very last thing you ever do to a home. Around 70% of your heat loss in your home is through your attic, so that should be your primary area of focus. Drafts from windows are mandatory for a home to function unless you have mechanical ventilation as air has to get into your home somehow."
What people are saying
One commenter spoke about their experience in window upgrades: "I live in an old house. I bought inserts for all my windows a few years ago. It cost like $2k. It'll probably have a 5-10 year break even, but in the meantime, all my windows are way less drafty and the house is noticeably more comfortable."
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Another commented about Mass Save: "I used mass save program financing to upgrade my single panes in 2021. Paid about $600/window installed with alu trim on the outside.
"The top comment was actually for the cheapest option: "Don't forget to use the plastic window sealing material until they are replaced or it's warm again. For like $20 you can save hundreds on heating bills."
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