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New research exposes the hidden threat of a common kitchen appliance — here's how to keep your family safe

Cardiovascular issues such as hypertension and heart attacks have also been linked to the pollutant.

Cardiovascular issues such as hypertension and heart attacks have also been linked to the pollutant.

Photo Credit: Cooper

After testing nearly 700 kitchens in the District of Columbia and Maryland for nitrogen dioxide, researchers found that nearly two-thirds exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency's health standard for safe outdoor exposure to the toxic gas, according to Beyond Gas DC.

High levels of nitrogen dioxide that can be produced by stoves, ovens, furnaces, and water heaters "can have significant long-term impacts on human health that exacerbate respiratory issues and diseases," per Beyond Gas.

What's happening?

Six-hundred and sixty-three kitchens were tested, with 63% recording nitrogen dioxide (NO2) readings at or above 100 parts per billion. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-protective standard sets 100 parts per billion as the standard for one hour of exposure, meaning spending long shifts in kitchens with high levels of nitrogen dioxide can be detrimental to health. 

The testing protocol involved turning the stove on for 30 minutes. Nitrogen dioxide levels were recorded after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 15 minutes after the stove was turned off. 

As stoves are usually not vented outside, nitrogen dioxide pollution getting trapped within the home is common. It's worse for one's health when standing near the stove, which is usually done while cooking, leading them to directly breathe in the harmful gas. 

Why is this important?

Testing the nitrogen dioxide in the homes could help mitigate the significant health risks that come from gas stove pollutants. NO2 is linked to respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, per Beyond Gas. Cardiovascular issues such as hypertension and heart attacks have also been linked to the pollutant. 

There is also emerging evidence that has shown NO2 tied to "increased risks of developing Type 2 diabetes, in addition to cognitive development and behavioral issues in children," per Beyond Gas.

What's being done about this hidden threat?

After the study's findings, researchers recommend policymakers and regulators in both jurisdictions "prioritize helping families upgrade to electric appliances," according to Beyond Gas. 

Induction burners from well-trusted brands such as Copper have been mitigating the risks associated with gas stoves. Stoves like Charlie offer the world's first battery-equipped induction range, which drastically reduces safety hazards and gas prices. They also cook far faster than traditional gas stoves. The Inflation Reduction Act, which helps Americans afford home improvements so they can spend less on energy bills, can save consumers up to 30% off on an induction range.

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