Opinionated neighbors can make your home less comfortable than you would like. One homeowner has been dealing with an overbearing neighbor who wants trees removed.
If you need support with an issue at home, Reddit communities can help you with everything from tree regulations to native gardens. One person took to the r/neighborsfromhell subreddit to seek advice for dealing with their litigious next-door neighbor.
The original poster explained: "We have a big property with lovely pine trees in the PNW … but our neighbor wants us to CUT THEM DOWN. … Most of the branches on his side have already been trimmed, he is just very adamant that he wants them completely down and he said he is willing to go to court."
The OP clarified that the trees are nowhere near the neighbor's house, so they are not at risk of causing damage. Disputes over trees along property lines are common. Some people have even come home to find trees and fences damaged by disrespectful neighbors.
Unfortunately, once the damage is done, large trees are not easy to replace. Trees take years to reach healthy heights. The OP made a cogent point, saying, "I just cannot comprehend how he considers nature garbage."
The natural world benefits humans in countless ways. Trees not only create tons of oxygen; they also trap massive amounts of carbon, helping stem the warming of the planet. The U.S. Forest Service said, "In one year, a mature live tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide."
This homeowner came to the right place for advice on how to deal with their difficult neighbor. Folks on Reddit had lots of ideas for handling the threats of legal action.
One person reminded the OP that their neighbor doesn't have much of a case: "So what's he planning on going to court with? He can't just waltz into court and say I don't like my neighbors trees that are on THEIR property so I want the trees cut down. Ignore him."
Someone else suggested some evidence collection. "I was going to suggest cameras and a fence with no trespassing signs."
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Another commenter said: "In a preemptive strike, document the condition of the trees. Have a certified arborist inspect them and provide you with a value, based on size and age."
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