A homeowner posted a photo of their backyard covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves, sparking a debate in the comments about whether or not this is a smart way to rewild your landscape.
In a Reddit post, a homeowner shared a picture of their spacious backyard and its many fallen leaves. The image depicts a diverse landscape with various bushes and trees, all surrounded by leaves. The caption title reads, "First year we are leaving (most of) the leaves."

The Redditor also said, "The leaves are several inches high now, and it's going to stay that way until late spring." They left the leaves in an attempt to rewild their space and let the plants and animals restore it to its natural state. While this is a lovely idea, other Redditors weren't sure if this was the right move.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, allowing leaves to collect on the ground can benefit a lawn and the environment. They serve as natural mulch, enriching the soil with organic matter. The leaves are also spaces where insects and small animals can hide from the cold.
Curating a natural lawn and landscape is a wonderful way to enhance your property. You can save money on lawn maintenance and lawn-care products. A natural landscape also frees up time because you don't have to mow, prune, or trim. You can enjoy a lush and bustling space while making your life easier.
You'll also be doing the environment a favor. Pollinators need natural plants to thrive, and they're integral to the reproduction of food crops. According to the USDA, roughly 35% of our food crops rely on pollinators.
Some Redditors were supportive and excited, "Yay!!! Keep a look out next year for increased moth and beetle numbers. Fireflies also need leaf litter."
Another noted: "I'm so jealous, I was hoping to leave almost all the leaves in our yard, but my mother's landscapers scraped every last leaf and stick away from our yard when I was away."
However, there are circumstances where removing leaves is best. Too many leaves can suffocate the grass. A complete cover of fallen leaves can also spread plant diseases.
If you were to switch from a grass lawn to a more natural option, which of these factors would be your primary motivation?
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Other commenters shared nightmare stories about not clearing leaves. One person said it "rotted our yard and killed everything under them when we left a decent-sized windblown pile."
Ultimately, leaving your leaves on the ground is great for critters but not always ideal for low, small plants. When in doubt, leave a light cover and rake up excess leaves.
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