Parking in downtown areas can get tricky for everyone. This includes, as it turns out, police vehicles.
One Redditor posted a video of a police vehicle parked illegally across a sidewalk in New York City. They reported the incident to the department's Internal Affairs unit and then posted another photo of the same space, empty of vehicles.

Parking is often an issue in NYC, and this officer only made things worse. While the police force will probably never try to live without cars, you can still avoid these kinds of parking problems by choosing not to own your own vehicle.
Granted, this is easier in a place like NYC, where you have a lot of public transportation options to explore. But even if you live in a place where that's harder, you can try to ride your bike more, carpool whenever possible, or use car-sharing services whenever you need a vehicle.
If it's unfeasible to give up a car entirely, changing just a few of your transportation habits could help you save money, feel better, and do right by the environment.
There are other benefits to ditching the car, too, such as lowering the amount of carbon you put into the atmosphere from burning dirty fuels and improving the quality of the air you breathe every day. Not only that, but it might help you get more exercise and lower your stress levels.
If you have to use a car because your city is unwalkable, make sure you don't do what this cop did. Blocking sidewalks is a hassle for pedestrians, and it can make their lives more dangerous if they have to walk in the street.
It can also make moving around a city almost impossible for wheelchair users and other people with disabilities. They don't always have the option to move into the street to go around vehicles like these.
Other Redditors agreed with the original poster's actions. "Good work! Look how thoroughly this behemoth blocks the sidewalk. These people have no empathy for others," one said.
"Omg it worked!" another added.
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