There's a reason why there's a universal understanding of dread when you say your in-laws are coming to town. One spouse has a very good reason to feel that way after what their father-in-law did to their shrub garden, sharing their outrage on Reddit.
Redditors in the comments were pretty sympathetic to the person and shared some similar situations.
The spouse shared a photo of their now massacred shrub garden in the r/Landscaping, showing the devastation that their father-in-law did.

They open the post describing what the shrub garden used to look like: "several dwarf mountain pine, a dwarf Japanese maple and another pine tree that was about 8 feet tall in the shape of a Christmas tree."
They were very excited about having an outdoor living Christmas tree. That tree has unfortunately been ruined.
The original poster said their wife's father did this "completely unprompted and without asking me."
Their in-laws have been staying with them to help with a new baby, and on this particular day, the father-in-law thought he was being helpful by pruning the tree and shrubs. However, a lot of damage was done, including killing the Japanese maple.
It can be a big treat when you move into a house with trees and shrubs already thriving like this person did. It's devastating to see them go since, for one, they add to the aesthetic of the property.
According to Nature's Select, they can even increase your property value. Having a shrub garden can also help reduce stress.
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Your Leaf explained that shrubs and trees have other benefits, too, including helping us breathe since they filter the air. In addition, shrubs provide shelter for wildlife and food for pollinators, enhancing the community's biodiversity.
According to the Royal Society, biodiversity is essential for humans. A wide range of plants, animals, and microorganisms is vital for healthy ecosystems, including food and air.
Rewilding your yard can benefit your community. It can also save you money and time, as native plants have adapted to the local environment and require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides.
While pruning trees is part of the upkeep, there is a proper way to do it so that it doesn't end up massacring the garden.
Redditors in the comments shared their own experiences.
One user said: "This exact thing happened to me! I've had many an evening stewing in anger whilst slowly watching my new hedge grow."
Another commented: "My MIL cut down a BEAUTIFUL 70 yr old magnolia tree in her yard. It was healthy, there was a tire swing for the kids."
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