Recycling furniture can be complicated just because of the sheer weight of the items alone. It can cost hundreds of dollars to get a junk service to pick something up or recycle it at the proper depot. Consumers have needed other options besides letting strangers into their home after selling on Craigslist or leaving items behind when they move.
AptDeco has raised over $14.5 million so far to solve this exact problem and is helping to reduce the 12 million tons of furniture tossed every year in the U.S., as documented by the EPA.
Americans move 11 times in their lifetime on average, according to Census Bureau data. Every move potentially involves at least some furniture being discarded, and the EPA's study in 2018 found that the majority of furniture in landfills was less than 15 years old.
"By extending the life cycle of furniture, overall it's just better for the environment, whether it be less wood being chopped out of forests to just the supply chain associated with producing that furniture," Reham Fagiri, founder and CEO of AptDeco, told CNBC.
Since the company's inception, Fagiri says AptDeco has offset 19 million pounds of carbon dioxide.
AptDeco is beneficial for both sellers and consumers in that you can sell what you already own, or you can use the platform as a means to find items at an already reduced cost from respected retailers such as West Elm and Pottery Barn.
Both stores use AptDeco to resell returned items and floor models, like this media console for 31% off. If you are selling your own items, AptDeco provides the pickup and delivery services for you, which is a massive upgrade from selling on other platforms like Facebook Marketplace.
While shopping small or secondhand is always preferred to support local businesses and cut your carbon footprint, it's important to recognize when mainstream brands make eco-friendly changes to their companies — like with Amazon doubling its use of post-consumer recycled materials. This guide details many mainstream brands' eco-friendly initiatives.
AptDeco started in New York City but has since become a nationwide company. With the amount of furniture tossed between moves, especially around university districts, this platform can be a big benefit to both sellers and the environment.
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"We believe buying and selling furniture shouldn't be difficult," Fagiri says on the AptDeco website. "We're also big on being kind to the environment. Over 12 million tons of furniture goes to the landfill every year. Let's change that."
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