In early January, the U.S. government passed a piece of legislation ensuring that wildlife protection programs and conservation efforts will continue for the next five years. President Joe Biden signed the act into law.
According to the Northern Neck News, U.S. Rep. Rob Wittman of Virginia helped announce the passage of the America's Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act, which helped to guarantee funding for multiple conservation and wildlife protection programs across the country until at least 2030.
Among the notable programs included in the bill are an effort to reduce pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, efforts to support and enhance access to the bay and its tributaries, and a grant program to help rehabilitate fish and wildlife habitats while providing more recreational opportunities.
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It also includes fish habitat protection and conservation programs and grants every state the ability to carry out a black vulture livestock protection program, to help prevent the predation of livestock by black vultures.
All in all, the bill is a massive win for conservationists, as it guarantees that a number of programs will continue to receive funding through the Trump administration. It would require another act of Congress to rescind that money.
Global conservation efforts are crucial to helping our planet remain a viable, comfortable place to live. For example, in the British Overseas Territory of Tristan da Cunha, a species of bird has been taken off the endangered list thanks to the efforts of conservationists. In Australia, the night parrot has been spotted in the wild amid concerns it had gone extinct. And in the United States, cloning efforts to help bolster the black-footed ferret population seem to be going well.
"Those who know me well know how much I love the great outdoors — from fishing, hunting to just spending time with my grandkids on our beautiful public lands and waterways in Virginia's Northern Neck," Wittman said in a statement. "To protect these precious natural resources, I know how important it is that we invest in conservation programs. … I thank the president for signing it into law so we can preserve our wildlife, waters, and lands for generations to come."
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