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Viral video explains DIY magic trick for making your grimy stainless steel sparkle like new: 'Works like a charm'

"The world needs to know."

Maaking a DIY stainless steel degreaser is simple

There are few things more frustrating than when your stainless steel appliances look like an "NCIS" crime scene.

Thankfully, there are easy ways to get those grimy fingerprints and stains off your ovens, microwaves, and fridges — some of which don't even involve a trip to the supermarket. 

One solution, from Instagram user @byjaded, involves just two ingredients. Their hack for making a DIY stainless steel degreaser is simple, cost-effective, and avoids the toxic chemicals found in some sprays. 

In the clip, @byjaded combines equal parts olive oil and vinegar into a spray bottle. Then, the Instagrammer sprays the solution on their oven and wipes it down in real time, showing viewers how quickly it works. 

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"The world needs to know," @byjaded wrote in a caption. 

Many store-bought steel degreasers contain toxic chemicals, which can be dangerous if accidentally consumed. And some degreasers are aerosols, meaning they release chemicals that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and ultimately raise global temperatures.

Additionally, many of these sprays cost between $7 and $14, while @byjaded's hack features ingredients many of us already have in our kitchens. The Instagrammer's spray takes just a few seconds to apply with a microfiber cloth. 

"Works like a charm," they wrote in a comment. 

The trick works on any stainless steel appliances, including microwaves, ovens, ranges, stoves, dishwashers, refrigerators, and even grills. Stainless steel is more resistant to rust and other issues than many materials, but it is more vulnerable to damage from scratches and fingerprints, which makes degreasing all the more important.

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